Orkut recently upgraded the interface of their website. The site now looks good in shades of white and blue. But with the upgrade came a few problems. Many people noticed that they cannot delete the scraps now ( link ). When ever you try to delete any scrap it posts the page back with a link in red on the bottom which says report bug (BTW that link doesn't work either). Lets take a look at the delete button code. <span class="rfdte"><span class="grabtn"><a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="_singleDelete(function(){_doDelete(document.deleteForm, 26109785, 5037483, 1189339191)}); return false;" class="btn">deletea>span><span class="btnboxr"><img src="http://img1.orkut.com/img/b.gif"alt="" height="1" width="5" The onclick function has the _singleDelete which calls _doDelete with some parameters.To look for these functions you will need to have a look ...